
Archangel Power Tarot Cards Six of Gabriel

Six of Gabriel “Congratulations, you’ve done a wonderful job! Time to move on to the next project. Awards, scholarships, or promotions.” “Congratulations! You’ve done a brilliant job! Your hard work has paid off, and those around you are highly impressed. Expect awards, promotions, or other forms of public recognition for your efforts. Enjoy this time

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards Knight of Raphael 

Knight of Raphael Romantic, Dramatic, Poetic, Introspective “Committed romantic relationships. Being swept off your feet. Situations or topics that make your heart flutter.” “Be prepared to be swept off of your feet! Someone has the ability to bring deep emotions to the surface. This card often represents falling in love! It can also herald creative

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards Queen of Raphael 

 Queen of Raphael “Kind, Understanding, Giving, Psychic Follow your heart! A love of home and family. Trustworthy psychic information.” Pertaining to Situations. “Your heart is your greatest strength! Expect relationships with others to develop to a new level. Someone is in the perfect position to help another person understand his or her own feelings.

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