
Daily Guidance from your Angels Ground Yourself

Ground Yourself “When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Alright it’s pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. We’re helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly Life.” “This card is a signal that

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Archangel Oracle Cards Relationship Harmony

Relationship Harmony “We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.” “Your prayers for personal peace have been answered, and you are to be commended for your role in ushering peace into this situation. Visualize everyone involved (including yourself) being cooperative and open-minded, even if particular persons aren’t

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Archangel Oracle Cards Counselor

Counselor Archangel Azrael:” You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.” “Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal, and inspire. You’re a true spiritual counselor, and people find you to be a trustworthy confidante. Expand your counseling work to the next level, because

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