The Highest Priestess


The Highest Priestess

“Powerful psychic insights. Reflection and mediation that provides valuable information. Be at peace.”

“The answers you seek are within you! They cannot be found through the intellect, but instead are a product of your deepest feelings. Emotional situations provide great insight right now. Intuition and psychic messages should be treated seriously and with great respect, as they can be relied upon with confidence. Your dreams at night may also hold keys to understanding what actions to take next. There may be aspects of your situation that you’re unaware of, but Archangel Haniel can provide you with answers you’re searching for! This is not a time of action, but of reflection and meditation. Have faith that events will unfold perfectly and that you will know when to move forward. Remain patient and be at peace knowing that your inner guidance will not fail you.

Additional meaning: The power of the subconscious. The willingness to forgive. Spiritual awakening. Patience. The mystery and awe of the Universe. Keeping the confidence of others.

Haniel is a beautiful and mystical archangel who can help you understand the mysteries of life. Her name means “the grace of God,” and as such, she is seen by many as having a goddess-like appearance. Haniel helps those who have embarked on an inner search for meaning and answers in their lives. She is loving and wise spiritual guide who can assist you in developing your intuition and psychic abilities.

Love, Light and Gratitude