
Archangel Oracle Cards Compassion

Compassion Archangel Zadkiel: “Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself.” “I can help you forgive yourself and others, or to compassionately see everyone’s point of view. You needn’t change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and […]

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Archangel Oracle Cards Indigo and Crystal Children

   Indigo and Crystal Children “Archangel Metatron: You have a bond with children. In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.” “Your life purpose involves helping and teaching children. You’re here to help these children retain and amplify their psychic and spiritual gifts. Educate adults about natural and chemical-free ways to feed and raise

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Archangel Oracle Cards Prioritize

“https://micheleblemay.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/img_2056.jpg?w=225″ alt=”IMG_2056″ width=”225″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-1484” /&gt;</a> “Archangel Metatron: Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organized and motivated.” “What’s your calling? What makes your heart sing? When you focus on these areas, your joyful energy increases, which benefits everyone. Take charge of your schedule, and spend more time on projects

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