
Archangel Power Tarot Cards Queen of Raphael

Queen of Raphael “Kind, Understanding, Giving, Psychic Follow your heart! A love of home and family. Trustworthy psychic information.” Pertaining to Situations. “Your heart is your greatest strength! Expect relationships with others to develop to a new level. Someone is in the perfect position to help another person understand his or her own feelings. An

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards The Empress

The Empress “Time to act upon your plans! Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources.” “Archangel Gabriel brings you this card to encourage you to create! Your artistic talents, alongside your nurturing instincts, give you the ability to manifest beautiful and amazing works. Think of this card as representing Mother Nature, the empress of creativity!

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards The Empress

The Empress “Time to act upon your plans! Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources.” “Archangel Gabriel brings you this card to encourage you to create! Your artistic talents, alongside your nurturing instincts, give you the ability to manifest beautiful and amazing works. Think of this card as representing Mother Nature, the empress of creativity!

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards Two of Rapheal

   Two of Raphael “Two hearts can create something wonderful! A friendship can grow deeper, or a romance can flourish and bloom. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, time deepens the bond, and a long-term connection based on respect and understanding develops. This is the card of kindred spirits. Forgiveness heals wounded feelings. Relationships

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