Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle Cards


“We send great waves of love into your heart and mind, awakening your love for life itself. Your clear decision to accept and enjoy romance has triggered this reawakening. Allow yourself to spontaneously celebrate love in all of its glorious aspects.”

This card is all about rejuvenating your love life, the romance in your life. Time to make some plans and spend time with that special someone. Let them know how important they are in your life, sometimes we need to verbalize our feelings to one another. Let them know how special they truly are.
If you are having difficulties in the romance area, there is pain that needs to be addressed. Call upon Archangel to help you cut the chords that bind you to this pain and let it go.
Another meaning to this card is your love for life. Are you getting everything out of each day? Are you experiencing the peace, joy and happiness in each day? Walk outside close your eyes and take a deep breath and be grateful for all the blessing in your life. Take that moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you because that is the beauty that is within you.

Asking Archangel Michael to help cut the chords. Visualize the person sitting in a chair across from you, notice the chords that are attached to you and the individual. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the chords with his sword. Once all the chords have been cut, ask the individual to get up and walk over to the doorway. In this doorway shines a bright light ask the individual to go into this light and all the ties that bind you are no longer.

May you have the courage to strengthen the love in your life today.

Love, Light and Gratitude