Daily Guidance from your Angels Entrepreneur


“Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways.”

“This card comes to you because you’re well suited to self-employment. You have the ideas, the drive, and the self-discipline required for entrepreneurial work. Yet, self-doubts make hesitate. The angels reassure you that you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. They will guide and support you along the way, and as long as you follow through on this action, your success is assured.

Additional meaning: Your ideas for a business are sound. Ease out of your present job by moonlighting with your desired business idea. Take action as you’re guided with respect to you career. Fully commit to succeeding in your new business.”

Love, Light and Gratitude