Daily Guidance from your Angels Daydream



“You will more easily hear and receive our messages if you daydream regularly. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice any feelings, visions, or ideas as if you were watching a movie. This is the seat of creativity.”

“The angels sent you this card because they wish you to be open and be receptive to new ideas. It’s important for you to engage in daydreaming now as a way to receive inspiration and wonderful ideas. Don’t try to make anything happen. Just follow the trail of your thoughts naturally, as they flow into new ways of looking at things. Write your ideas in a special journal and ask your angels for guidance on which action steps to take to enact these dreams. Take action without delay you’re guided.

Additional meaning for this card. Be open to new possibilities, allow yourself to dream big, give yourself permission to relax and let go, try something new that you always wanted to do, brainstorm with yourself or others for new ideas.”

Love, Light and Gratitude