Channelled Message from Spirit

Your soul has guided you here, Welcome!

This site is about love and understanding love.

To just know that everything is fine and you are at peace. Have you ever had a moment in you life when you just know that you will  be fine, that the Universe, God, Creator, or whatever belief that works for you, is taking care of you. To live in the essence, to wake up each day and be grateful for that breath that is given to you.

This is your journey and should be celebrated with love. Just know that I AM ! We are a piece of this universe, God, Creator. I AM !

I AM the essence of unconditional LOVE!

We were born knowing love, only love. Our fears are learnt.

Remember when, Remember when their is only LOVE by doing so we must heal ourselves and forgive ourselves .Do not beat yourself up, your beating God up. You love God, so why would you find fault with his Creation, YOU!

The true essence, LOVE!

The Inner Wisdom

Is just KNOWING that everything is being taken care of, YOU! That resonates a peacefulness within you. To love yourself is excepting you for you. Looking in the mirror and truly loving the whole being, outer and inner.  We are perfect just the way we are.

When you resonate LOVE you can heal yourself and others. It is just knowing that energy can heal all things.

You can have Heaven on Earth. That all things are provided for you. When we love someone we give them everything. So why do you think that you can’t have all of your desires on Earth?



Isn’t it comforting to know that you will be taken care of. Be positive, don’t live in fear or doubt that only attracts those to you.

Creating / Manifesting

Put your desires out to the universe.

Thought creates, the emotion is the magnet in which you will manifest.

Remember the universe provides when we least expect it.

You are LOVE and take care of YOU!