Daily Guidance From Your Angels

Enrich your life with comforting and uplifting messages that help you set a positive and healing tone each day. Messages provided by Michele will keep you centered in peacefulness throughout your day, and serve as a reminder that your angels are always beside you and ready to help you with many areas of your life.

Daily Guidance from your Angels Shower of Abundance

Shower of Abundance “To heal your financial situation, first give us your worries concerning money. We will guide you in order to show you how to create and accept abundance. As we work together, your financial situation will heal as fast as you’ll allow.” “This card is a sign that your prayers about finances have

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Daily Guidance from your Angels There’s Nothing To Worry About

There’s Nothing To Worry About “You are safe, and this situation is under the perfect control of Divine providence and universal order. Only infuse loving thoughts and emotions into the situation to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortlessly to and through you.” “The angels send you this card to you because you’ve been

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Daily Guidance from your Angels Law of Attraction

   Law of Attraction “Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.” “The angels gave you this card as a reminder that the

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Daily Guidance from your Angels Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur “Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways.” “This card comes to you because you’re well suited to self-employment. You have the ideas, the

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Daily Guidance from your Angels Steady Progress

Daily Guidance from your Angels Steady Progress “We acknowledge you for the progress you’ve made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you’re making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love.” “I drew this card as reassurance that you’re making steady progress. You sometimes harshly

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Daily Guidance from your Angels Assertiveness

Assertiveness “This situation can be healed gently and with love, as you’ve requested, yet there’s also a need for your strength and truthfulness with the other people involved. We will stand right behind you as you speak your truth, giving you strength and guiding your words.” “You drew this card because you were asking about

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