Archangel Power Tarot Two of Michael


Two of Michael

“It will all be better if you just make a decision! Over analyzing a problem. Find and compromise.”

“You’re making great progress! If you’re experiencing a pause in action, then its time to reassert yourself and get things moving again. Be bold and ambitious! You may have a choice to make. Don’t let indecision keep you from going forward. The right choice won’t come from your mind… follow your heart!
Important relationships are possible right now. Partner with people who share your outlook and passion.

Additional meaning: Long-term vision. Business, partnerships. Showing great courage. Gay friends or relationships.”

I was shuffling the cards today and this card came up again, I just shared three days ago. I put it back in the deck, shuffled and here it is. I love when this happens, what is meant to be, is to be. Follow your heart! Sending blessings to everyone, may your day be filled with love, light and Gratitude.