Archangel Power Tarot Cards The Magician

Archangel Power Tarot Cards

The Magician
Archangel Raziel: ” You can manifest the life you want. What you need will magically appear! Successful beginnings.”

“You have the magical touch of angels on your side! New projects that you start will be very successful. You have all the resources you need, even if you can’t see them at this time. You may be underestimating the skill and knowledge that you’ve accumulated. You’re prepared for this moment in your life, and the road ahead is safe and sure.
With Archangel Raziel beside you, additional assistance in the form of guidance, supportive people, or a windfall of abundance will seem to magically appear. Anything is possible! However to receive this help, you have to confidently take action. You must move forward with your plans in a way that displays to others (and to yourself) that you have no doubt as to your coming success!

Additional meaning: Creative solutions, Skill and confidence, The ability to manifest, focused action, taking the initiative.

Raziel is a magical archangel who can guide you in conjuring the life you dream of living! This wizard-like angel sits near the throne of God and is privy to all the holy secrets necessary to help you manifest wondrous and amazing opportunities for yourself. What wish are you trying to make come true? Ask Archangel Raziel for assistance when you need resources of any kind to facilitate what you’re trying to create.”

Love, Light and Gratitude