Archangel Power Tarot Cards Six of Ariel

Six of Ariel
“Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. Acts of kindness. Giving or receiving with a grateful heart.”

“There are great blessings in giving and receiving! Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. If you’re the recipient of such a loving gift, than accept it with gratitude and humility. If you have the means to give to those in need, the do so in a compassionate way without asking for anything in return. Keep in mind that gifts do not always have to financial but can be energetic or take the form of help based on experience.
When giving to others, consider what they truly need. Make gifts that don’t promote dependency, but rather that are well thought out an empower the recipients going forward.

Additional meaning: Pennies from heaven. Promotion of bonuses. Acts of kindness. Scholarships or grants.

Love, Light and Gratitude