Archangel Power Tarot Cards


Nine of Raphael
“Make a wish! Dreams become a reality. A joyful time of life.

“Financial and material gratification flows to you as a reward for all of your hard work. Worries fade; fears dissolve. Life is magical! Beauty happiness are yours. Life feels joyful, and there is finally and opportunity to kick back and have some fun! Dreams coming true. Simple pleasures of life. Contentment. Sensuality. Loyalty.”


Time to relax and breath, take it all in and let go of the stress that has been hovering over you. Now is time to let the inner child out and play. Love life and live it. Kick off your shoes and go barefoot. Dance in the rain. Just relax and have fun!

May today be uplifted with the little things you do for yourself. Dream big and get big!

Love and Light