Archangel Power Tarot Cards

Archangel Power Tarot Cards

The Wheel
“New beginnings. End of delays. A change in direction that offers happiness.
Exciting changes are coming! The Wheel spins power of life and turns to bring you prosperous new opportunities. If you’ve been finding it difficult to get your plans off the ground, that will change now! Sudden movement forward is likely.
While the idea of change can sometimes be worrying to people, you must trust and know that the Universe wants you to be happy. Unexpected events are meant to point you in a direction that will bring you a more joyful and fulfilling life. If you feel uncertain, ask Archangel Jeremiel to give you a clear understanding of where you’re headed.
A fresh start. Optimism for the future. Ability to adapt”.

“Archangel Jeremiel is the angel who can help us see our lives clearly so that we can make assessments about changing circumstances. His name means “mercy of God,” and he assists those wanting to review their pasts in a kind and forgiving way. Archangel Jeremiel has the ability to inspire great visions of the future. Call upon him to help when you’re seeking inspiration on how to successfully make amazing changes in your life”.

“Strength and grace through kindness. Self-confidence. Forgiveness”.
“You have great strength and compassion! The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. You may see aspects within you that cause you worry or impatience. But every person is a child of God. It is by balancing all aspects of yourself with love and mercy that you learn to exhibit those same qualities to people around you”.
“You are far stronger that you may believe. The situation you find yourself in requires a very soft and sensitive approach. Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge”.

“Self-confidence. Patience. Self-control. Forgiveness. Inner Strength. Influence through kindness”.

“Archangel Ariel is the angel known for protecting animals, the environment, and those who seek to safeguard our world. Her name means “lioness of God,” and she can inspire great courage in the hearts of those who call upon her. Archangel Areil is also known to be an angel of manifesting the essentials of daily life. Call upon Ariel if you’re felling uncertain or experiencing a lack of confidence, and she will help you get in touch with your own inn strength”.

Intuitively: If you are thinking about making changes this is the time to follow through. Go with your intuitive ( gut feeling) follow it. It is only going to bring happiness. You have the strength to conquer your dreams. If you get discouraged or feeling doubt call upon the angels to give you the strength to go forward. The outcome is positive.

May you have a blessed day!
Love and Light