Archangel Oracle Cards Indigo and Crystal Children


Indigo and Crystal Children

“Archangel Metatron: You have a bond with children. In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.”

“Your life purpose involves helping and teaching children. You’re here to help these children retain and amplify their psychic and spiritual gifts. Educate adults about natural and chemical-free ways to feed and raise these special children. The very young Crystal Children and the slightly older Indigo Children are important to the future of this planet. You can help ensure their bright future, and I will help you.

Working with Archangel Metatron: If you feel drawn to help children ( your own, or children in general) ask Metatron for an assignment that mirrors your natural talents and interests. Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive kids, and he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts, or other support for this mission, call upon Metatron. He’ll help you manifest your needs so your focus can be directed toward his beloved Crystal and Indigo Children.”

Love, Light and Gratitude