Archangel Oracle Card  Life Review 

Life Review 

Archangel Jeremiel: ” Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced. ”

Additional message: ” it takes courage to look at your life. Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at what you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”

Today is about reevaluating what is important and what is not. Letting go of what is not working for you anymore. May it be a small lesson or a heart breaking one. Hanging on is not changing anything. Let it go and give it to God. 

May your day be filled with many blessings! 

Love and Light