Daily Guidance from your Angels    Time To Go 


Time to Go

“The sun sets and rises each day, and it’s the same with the avenues in your life. See the beauty within each sunset in your life, and know that the sun will also rise again tomorrow. Endings are merely the start of a new beginning, and we are with you through each phase and cycle.”

“The angels bring you this card to help you admit to yourself that it’s time to leave. You already know the situation they’re referring to. You’ve hesitated leaving because your loyalties and fears, yet the angels assure you that it’s the best way. Work very closely with your angels during this transition to ensure its harmony for everyone concerned. Surrender any guilt or other negative emotions to heaven, as your energy needs to stay high right now.

Additional meaning: Completion and the end of a cycle are at hand. The purpose has been served in this relationship or situation. Surrender and release. Call upon Archangel Azrael for help with grieving, and Archangel Michael for help with courage.”

Love, Light and Gratitude