Archangel Power Tarot Cards The Emperor


The Emperor

Archangel Uriel
“Stability and efficiency. Taking charge of a situation. Ambitions plans.”

“Leadership can change everything! This card may mean that it’s time for you to be a leader to those around you. Or it might indicate that you would greatly benefit from the counsel of a skilled mentor who can give you invaluable advice. Archangel Uriel can provide you with brilliant ideas on how best to be a success.
Creativity is a wonderful thing, but without logic, it can be chaos. What you need right now is a little organization and order. A few guidelines or rules will help bring your dreams to life in the most efficient and elegant way possible. This is not meant to limit you, but to help you feel empowered and in control of the direction your plans are taking you.

Additional meaning: An encouraging and diplomatic leader. Ambitious plans. Stability. A promotion. Protection. Authority figures. Paternal role models.

Archangel Uriel is the angel of great ideas and epiphanies! His name means “the light of God” and truly, he can help light your way to success. When you can’t quite see your way clear to the next step, he is able to give you moments of revelation that seem to come out of nowhere. Ask Archangel Uriel for assistance whenever you have a project or challenge where a creative solution is called for.”

Love, Light and Gratitude