
Hello From Heaven
Archangel Azrael: ” Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings.”

“Your loved ones aren’t far away; in fact, they’re quite near. In your quiet moments,you can feel their presence. These really are true visitations, and I ask you to trust your intuition. You may notice dream visits from deceased loved ones. Know that your loved ones are happy, free of all suffering, and want the same for you. Your angels loved ones want to work with your guardian angels to help you be peaceful, so watch for other signs from Heaven.

Working with Archangel Azrael: Azrael is known as “The Angel of Death,” since his primary role is their physical death. Far from being a morbid role, Azrael surrounds the newly crossed-over soul with loving light to make the experience uplifting and comforting. Azrael helps deceased loved ones make contact with their living family members and friends. You can ask Azrael to bring you a message or dream visitation from your loved ones in Heaven”

Love, Light and Gratitude