July 2016

Archangel Power Tarot Cards Page of Michael

   Page of Michael “An exciting new challenge! You have what it takes to succeed. Review contracts or documents very thoroughly.” “Situation: An exciting new challenge is coming! Life brings you something unexpected, but don’t worry you have what it takes to proceed successfully. Your intellect and ability to discern the truth are the only

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards Nine of Gabriel

Nine of Gabriel “Stay determined and move forward! Be prepared for any possibility. Environmental activism.” “Don’t give up! Your determination and courage are needed now more than ever! You’ve come a long way, and your work has been important and valuable. Stand your ground and protect what you have created. Be prepared for any possibility.

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Archangel Power Tarot Cards Five of Raphael

   “Everything happens for a reason. Release regret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness. Search for the silver lining.” “There are additional options available to you! Your situation may seem to you to be limited or not what you hoped for, but there is more here than meets the eye. Opportunities are presenting themselves, but

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